Nobody's Property Illustrated Series #808

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A Bold Departure: Clia Daponte's Shooting Star Tattoo Ups The Ante On A Family Tradition

In the rich tapestry of family traditions, certain symbols weave through generations, binding relatives across time. Such is the case with the shooting star tattoo that has adorned the inside wrists of most of female family members for over a century. But on her 16th birthday – November 4, 2101, exactly 100 years to her great-grandmother’s 16th birthday, Clia Daponte, also an aspiring musician with an independent spirit much like her great-grandmother of the same first name, opted to be a little bolder with this family tradition.

For decades, the shooting star tattoo had graced the wrists of her female relatives and ancestors, often carrying different but similar meanings for each wearer, signifying dreams, aspirations, and the shared lineage that connected them.

Her great-grandmother Clia Foster was the first to get the symbol, 100 years earlier, in the year 2001. Having been born exactly 100 years to the day apart from her great-grandmother, for Clia Daponte, the symbol held deep sentimental value - not just a mark on the skin, but a testament to the resilience and unity of the family.

When she elected to carry on the family tradition, and join a long list of family members and ancestors who bore the shooting star, Clia Daponte found herself at a crossroads between honoring the past and embracing her individuality, seeking a way to imprint her identity onto this time-honored tradition. Thus, she made the daring choice to have her shooting star tattoo inked not on her wrist, but on her hand between her right thumb and index finger — a location she believed better represented her journey.

The decision sparked curiosity and even raised eyebrows within her family. Yet, when Daponte explained her choice, it became clear that her decision was deeply rooted in her understanding of herself. The hand, a vessel of action and expression, resonated with her artistic soul.

Daponte's deviation from the tradition wasn't a dismissal of the past, but rather an embrace of her personal evolution within it. Her shooting star tattoo on her hand encapsulated her determination to forge her path while carrying the legacy of her great-grandmother and those before her.

In the world of family traditions, Clia Daponte's shooting star tattoo stands as a testament to the power of individuality within shared narratives. It reminds us that honoring the past need not stifle the unique melodies of the present, and individual choices can serve as an ode to the harmonious coexistence of tradition and personal growth.

Nobody's Property illustrated series is published on by Blake Hutchison dba Sansevieria Media. All rights reserved.

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