Nobody's Property Illustrated Series #809

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There Are Days I Wish 900 Numbers Still Existed, So I Could Get One To Give Out As My Personal Phone Number To Fight RoboCallers

In a world that has transitioned far beyond the era of 900 numbers, I can't help but dream about a scenario where they still exist. The idea keeps coming back to me, especially when I find myself dealing with the incessant calls of robo callers. How delightful it would be if I could offer them a 900 number as my contact information, turning the tables so that they would have to pay me every time they dialed my number. Unfortunately, those days are long gone, and 900 numbers are nothing but a distant memory.

The whimsy of the notion extends even further when I imagine extending this approach to cold callers, persistent salespeople, and even those political and religious enthusiasts who sometimes seem to have a direct line to my patience. Imagine their surprise if each call resulted in a charge to their account, a small fee that would act as a deterrent for intrusive communication.

Alas, the evolution of communication technology has rendered this idea an impossibility. In the past, 900 numbers were a curious part of our collective culture, often associated with late-night infomercials and psychic hotlines. With the rise of more advanced communication methods, these numbers gradually faded into obscurity.

While the fantasy of turning the tables on persistent callers remains just that, there are still practical ways to navigate the challenges they present. For bill collectors, setting up payment arrangements and working towards resolving debts remains the established path. As for cold callers, salespeople, and political or religious enthusiasts, setting boundaries and using caller ID filters can help manage their impact. Additionally, for both, simply don’t answer calls from numbers you don’t know. Bill Collectors will eventually contact you in writing if they cannot reach you by phone, as anyone who has ever been through debt settlement or bankruptcy will tell you.

Though the 900 number scenario might only be a whimsical dream, it serves as a reminder of the power of imagination and the constant evolution of technology. As we continue to engage with an ever-changing communication landscape, we can find solace in the fact that while 900 numbers may have disappeared, our ability to adapt and manage our interactions endures.

Nobody's Property illustrated series is published on by Blake Hutchison dba Sansevieria Media. All rights reserved.

© Nobody's Property Illustrated Series, copyright 2018- | all rights reserved. This illustrated series is for entertainment purposes only. Please do not attempt any homicidal, vigilante, or other illegal acts.